A properly motivated proposal for the nomination of an Honorary Member, supported by at least two Full Members, may be submitted at any time to the Secretary, who must table the proposal at the next meeting of the Council. The proposed Honorary Member shall be elected, by a two-third majority of members present at the Council meeting following the one at which the nomination was tabled. Except in exceptional circumstances as decided upon by the Council, the election of an Honorary Member shall be announced only on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting or Congress.
Fellows of the Society are highly regarded Full Members who made a significant contribution to the Society for at least 7 years. Not more than four members per year may be appointed as fellows. Fully motivated nominations (proposed by one Full Member and seconded by two Full Members) must reach the Secretary at least six months prior to the next congress. A decision to confer Fellowship shall be made by the Council.
The Gold Medal of the SASCP is regarded as the highest award that can be granted to members in recognition of exceptional scientific achievement. Fully motivated nominations (proposed by one Full Member and seconded by two Full Members) must reach the Secretary at least six months prior to the next congress. A decision to confer the Gold Medal award shall be made by the Council.
The Council may present awards to its members for excellence as it is deemed appropriate.
According to the Society/s Constitution, the Council may grant honorary membership to a person in recognition of exceptional services to and the promotion of the objectives of the Society on account of the excellence of achievements as scientist. Forty nine (49) honorary members were nominated in the past 41 years. It is clear from this list that the SASCP deviated from its broad definition of honorary membership in that it also nominated persons who were not necessarily members of the SASCP because of their position in society and on the basis of particular services rendered to the agricultural industry as a whole. Among the more prominent names are those of the President of the RSA, JJ Fouché, ministers of Agriculture, H Schoeman and DCH Uys, well-known agricultural leaders such as FJH le Riche and B Fourie as well as senior departmental officials such as DF Retief, JG Strydom, SA Hulme and WP Grobbelaar. Persons who excelled in their field of study include JPF Sellschop, K Nathanson, EW Laubscher, GD Thompson, E Wolff and JJ Human.
According to the Constitution, fellowship awards are made to members in due recognition of exceptional achievements or service to the Society. This award was first granted in 1987 and in 2014 the Society had 37 fellowship members.
The gold medal of the SASCP is regarded as the highest award that can be granted to members in recognition of exceptional scientific achievement.